Unit Leader/Principal Investigator
Prof. Michio Kondoh in Asahi Shogakusei Shinbun Article
WPI-AIMEC Featured in the Kahoku Shimpo Newspaper
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Information on TV show ”OH! BANDESU” by Miyagi Television Broadcasting
Prof. Kondoh gave a lecture at the kickoff event of the “Nature Positive Sustainable Development Hub” co-organized by Tohoku University and WPI-AIMEC
WPI-AIMEC members attended the International Meeting of the Western Pacific Subcommittee (WESTPAC) of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
Prof. Kondo will give a lecture at “BURARIGAKU for High School with JpGU” held in cooperation with the Graduate School of Science and the Japan Geoscience Union