Director’s Message

須賀 利雄

Elucidating the environmental response and adaptation mechanisms of marine ecosystems in the northwest Pacific Ocean and realizing their predictions

The mission of this center is to elucidate the question, "What are the response and adaptation mechanisms of marine ecosystems to Earth system change?"
In particular, we focus on the Northwest Pacific Ocean, where Japan is located. as our priority area, and aim to deepen our understanding of the connectivity, stability, and adaptability that are important for maintaining marine ecosystems, and to realize predictions of changes in marine ecosystems that are useful to human society through an integrated approach of marine physics, ecology, and data science. We will conduct geophysical observations, environmental DNA analysis, laboratory experiments, etc. while focusing on "regime shifts," which are rapid structural changes in marine ecosystems over a wide area. Based on this data and knowledge, we will utilize AI and machine learning to advance integrated analysis of ocean physics and ecosystem big data. Additionally, we will build a marine ecosystem change model that can be applied from the northwest Pacific to the entire globe, and create a new academic field, “Ocean and Ecosystem Change Systematics (OECS)”.

At this center, we will build an interlaboratory system that firmly links Tohoku University's basic academic strengths and higher education functions with the marine research and computer platform functions of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Then, we will conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary research to elucidate the mechanism and predict its fluctuations. Furthermore, we will build a global collaboration and partnership with the University of Hawai’i as a satellite institution, promoting the development of globally active human resources and the international brain circulation through international higher education. Additionally, we will enhance the public relations, outreach, and DX functions of this center to continuously and effectively disseminate information to the general public. By co-creating scientific knowledge with domestic and international stakeholders, including United Nations agencies and policy makers, we will contribute to "planetary stewardship" towards the recovery and restoration of oceans and ecosystems.

DirectorToshio Suga

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